Case stories

A collection of client stories

“AHUM guide to the unknown”

Making a Big Career Choice

The power of envisioning

Increased Clarity and Focus during Succession!

Undress the past, redress the future! Excel to the next level!

A revelatory experience during transition

The AHUM story

From stress and panic to crystalized ideas and confidence

Transforming a dream into a concrete plan

Catalyzing organizational change

Redefining success for a better work-life balance

Moving to a new country and role

In search of new challenges

Lost in Transition


The AHUM team coaching process is creative, opens up horizons, possibilities and ideas. An uplifting experience.
Getting to the heart of things very quickly in a genuine way
We co-created our vision through a very pleasant and creative process. It was the first time we had such a productive management team meeting without focusing on our differences and conflicts.
The session was a fascinating experience! Phenomenal!
During the process we managed to get connected with the core ingredients of our creative self that were unconscious and unexploited
The outcome of the session was totally unexpected. A big surprise. It gives me a lot of confidence.
An illuminating experience. A clear, safe, gentle and subtle guidance. I had a shift in my perspective of how I value myself. A very intense and powerful experience.
Ahum coaching enables a structured thinking which concretizes things that you tend to think on your own
I feel good! I had the chance to put together all my qualities and realize what I really want to find in my professional context.
AHUM coaching is both soothing and energizing. You feel that everything is distilled, like holding a great mirror to yourself. A very powerful experience.
The experience was detoxifying. It was fun. I am surprised by the outcome. I feel calm, more optimistic.
The process made me switch how I perceive myself and think about my career. I feel both comfortable and stretched. I feel empowered, I understood how I can differentiate myself. It was a eureka moment.
I feel relaxed. The dialogue had a nice flow and balance. The dialogue starts generically and you always put it in context. You always have a structure but you pass it through very smoothly, sometimes this is almost unnoticed
There was a systemization of my thinking. The process helped me to connect with my skills and abilities. It was rejuvenating. You also helped me decompress emotionally.
I had something on my mind, but my problem was elsewhere and you helped me identify it. You deconstruct and reconstruct things. I feel a great relief. I gained a structure and concrete steps to move forward.

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